How Millennial Buyers Will Influence Staffing Firm Growth


CR-HowMillenialBuyersMillennials now represent the largest generation participating in the U.S. workforce, and their influence over purchasing decisions for professional services (like staffing) continues to grow. 

Findings from the 2018 Staffing Buyer Study (a joint research project conducted by CareerBuilder, Inavero, and the American Staffing Association) reveal that millennials have adopted a different approach to navigating their purchase decisions related to staffing services. What’s more, millennial hiring managers exhibit different preferences for their staffing firm relationships and assign value to different aspects of staffing service delivery than their older counterparts.

About the Guide

This guide highlights dynamics and preferences of the millennial staffing buyer and millennial staffing firm clients. Sourcing findings from the 2018 Staffing Buyer Study, readers will walk away with data-driven insight to help their firm build a roadmap for integrating the millennial generation into client service and business development efforts in 2019 and beyond. 

